3 Tools For Building A Conscious Career

"If you act like a poor man the universe will treat you as such." - Rav Berg

What is the difference between a conscious career and an unconscious career? Conscious careers are created by people who work on three things:

1. Transforming their victim consciousness
2. Receiving for the sake of sharing
3. Practicing transformational sharing. 

Tool 1: Transforming my victim consciousness

The first thing we have to is be honest with ourselves about our victim consciousness. I cannot tell you how many times I teach this concept and before I can get into the subject I hear "yeah but that's not me, I am not a victim". But in fact this same person was just complaining about how their employees do not respect them and blaming their lack of income on their cheap clientele. Do yourself a favor, wipe the dirt from your eyes, look in the mirror and accept that you have vicim consciousness hidden in the corners of your mind. Still can't find it? Look at where you find yourself complaining, whining, or blaming. Is it in your routine, diet, family, relationships, debt, schooling, friends, etc? A victim believes the world is happening to them, that people walk all over them, or that no one understands them. Someone who removes this victim consciousness has put themselves back in the driver seat of their own success. When we have victim consciousness we complain while ignoring solutions, blame while ignoring responsibility. We feel cheated when we do not get what we want. We feel justification in our anger and frustrations. We see things only from our point of view. Victim consciousness is the deadliest consciousness of all. We can see it all over the place in our world today and I think we can all agree on its toxicity. 

How do we transform it?

1. Recognize it. This is the most powerful part of building a conscious career, yet the hardest. Recognizing our victim consciousness is very difficult but once we spot the cancer we can work on removing it before it wreaks havoc on our lives and careers. 

2. Do the opposite. We cannot actually get rid of our victim consciousness, nor are we suppose to. We are meant to transform it! This means that we take the energy and use it for good. When we find ourselves blaming others for our problems we must stop and take responsibility, even when it doesn't make sense. Taking responsibility means I caused it and only when I caused it can I transform it. When we find ourselves complaining we must stop and replace our reactive words with proactive words.

What is receiving for the sake of sharing?

Consciously driven careers are more successful than unconscious careers due to their longevity. When we are building a conscious career we are building something that with last, that has energy to support its growth. We can see when a career or business is lacking consciousness because they are usually considered an 'instant success'. Unfortunately instant success is much more appetizing to people which is why building a career with consciousness is not as accepted. Instant success is a lot like taking a drug or winning the lottery, it feels good in the moment but the results is not that great. Look at the housing market, the stock market, or gambling. Quick to win, quick to lose.  Conscious success comes from truly earning what we have and we earn a career by building it slowly. Warren Buffet says that he invested money in stocks he knew would take his investment 2o+ years to grow, and now he is one of the richest men in America. What makes Warren Buffet amazing is not the amount that he has but the amount that he gives.  Receiving for the sake of sharing is much like cutting a hole in your bucket that is filled to the brim. When our bucket is full we start to feel stuck, stagnant, or terrified and we must empty the bucket in order to fill it up with more. By cutting a whole in our bucket we help fill up those around us with what they need while making more room for the universe to truly give us more. Most people start a career and fill themselves up thinking that a full bucket is the point. The problem is that a full bucket is full, there is no room for more. No more room for more money, success, joy, happiness, love, fulfillment, etc. Changing our consciousness to the idea of "give to me so I can give to them" will promote growth in your business on a physical and metaphysical level. There are two ways to give in order to start receiving for the sake of sharing. 

Tool 2: Charity

When we want success we must share in order to show the universe we are ready to receive. Seems a little backwards doesn't it. Most people would tell you that you cannot share unless you have received and I am telling you to do the opposite.

Imagine two children asking for candy. One of them spends their time taking the candy they receive and eating it. The other child spends their time giving their candy away to other children. The child who is not sharing will eventually become sick and not only stop receiving more candy but they will actually stop asking for more! This is remarkable since the child who has not eaten any of it and has shared it all continues to ask and receive more. This child is fulfilled, never sick, and never without candy. This is how charity works in our business. My teacher, The Rav, always said "if you are busy giving to others, then the universe will be busy giving to you". 

Tool 3: Tithing

Tithing, to most, sounds very religious and that can be a bit scary. However, we are not here to be religious. We are here to receive in order to share. Tithing is a different mechanism than charity. Charity is about giving in order to receive more. Tithing is about preserving what we have. To truly activate the tool of tithing we must know that it means giving away 10% of our income to a cause that is working to change the world at the seed level. Not 9% and not 11%, specifically 10%. There are many secrets to why the number 10 but we can go into that further another time. Think of tithing like a basket of strawberries. If we have a basket full of healthy strawberries but one of them is rotten do we throw away the entire basket? No! We only throw away the one strawberry in order to protect the rest. Tithing is the same, we remove a small portion of our income in order to perform a surgery that removes the cancer from our money so it does not spread. We are removing the negative aspect of our money and transforming it into something good by giving it to a cause that is working to help the world at the seed level. 

These two tools will not only grow our business but transform and preserve our business. Don't take my word for it, test it out on your own. 

What is transformation sharing?

We all have a comfort zone that we spend 99% of our time in or trying to get back into. We can see this when we walk into our homes after a long day and quickly change into our comfy clothing. You can see this when we order the same thing every day at Starbucks. Transformational sharing is all about sharing outside of our comfort zone. Helping others, giving money, volunteering, spending time with family, etc. Whatever gets us out of our comfort zone and helps others in any way. This is transformational sharing. For some of us tithing and charity may already be outside of our comfort zone but remember that our comfort zone changes as we grow. Which means that our transformational sharing must change as well. It may be transformational sharing to give $100 to charity now but as we make more money and our comfort zone changes, then perhaps $5,000 a month is my new transformational level. We must always look for transformational sharing moments but how do we know its transformational? It hurt's just a little every time we do it. I am not saying we should be miserable I am saying we must grow and with growth comes growing pains much like our bones during puberty. It hurts just a little but it must happen in order for us to become taller, bigger, stronger. For those of you looking for magic and miracles, this is where they exist! A miracle is simply the universe treating us differently than it usually does. So in order to get the universe to treat us differently we must do different things. Transformational sharing demands the universe treat us differently and this is what creates what some call, miracles. 

For those of you looking to build something real, something magical, and something that lasts use these tools. I would love to hear how you are using them in the comments below! Let's change the way the world does business.